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America A Narrative History 11th Edition

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America A Narrative History 11th Edition
Full (Vol. Combined Volume)

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- Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
- Edition: Eleventh edition (11th)
- Author: David E. Shi
- Published: July 1, 2019
- ISBN: 9780393668940
- Language: English
- Extension: PDF, EPUB, MOBI

America A narrative history 11th Edition Volume 2 also makes history an immersive experience through its innovative pedagogy and digital resources. Norton InQuizitive for History—W. W. Norton’s groundbreaking, formative, and adaptive new learning program—enables both students and instructors to assess learning progress at the individual and classroom level.
America A narrative history 11th Edition Volume 2 Content
The America A narrative history 11th Edition Volume 2 book improves upon a textbook renowned for its compelling narrative history of the American experience. In writing this book, I have sought to present political and economic development through the lives of colorful characters that are informed by balanced analyses and sociality, guided by the unfolding of key events.
Due to its classic principles, good size, and low price, America: A Narrative History has been a widely used textbook for decades.
The Eleventh Edition of America features several significant changes aimed at making the book more easy to understand and teach. This edition’s main theme focuses on the importance of immigration to the American experience.
There have been more immigrants to the U.S. from more countries since 1776 than anywhere else in the world. Throughout its history, America has welcomed newcomers, enriched its economy, diversified its culture, and demonstrated the appeal of a democratic country devoted to equality.
The best history stories for students
Students enjoy reading America’s history because it is so narrative. Immigration is included to make the narrative more timely. Norton’s adaptive learning tool, InQuizitive, and Chapter Opener videos are helping students to become more knowledgeable about history, engage with the reading, and come prepared for class. –
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